Medical translation course

After several years as a specialized medical translator, I have gathered a whole lot of knowledge and expertise in this area. It is for this reason that I decided to offer this course. Although it is an introduction to medical translations, when I look back and see myself at the first medical project I had to translate – WOW – I would have much appreciated having at hand some of this information and details. I really hope this self-paced course help you this time.

Here some information on what you will learn:

Conceptos de
– Farmacología
– Farmacodinámica
– Farmacocinética
– Hojas de trabajo y práctica de traducción cada dos semanas

Currículum del curso

Módulo 1



Medical translation is coming soon

The AGTraducciones team is working full time so that you have this course soon.

CAT Tools is coming soon

The AGTraducciones team is working full time so that you have this course soon.